Content Compliance and Optimization

Digital shelf content audit helps brands effectively monitor product listings on retailers’ websites, and fully control the content completeness and accuracy. 
  • Content Audit 
Continuously monitor all your product detail pages, across retailers and compare them to the master database.  Update content and create tickets. This ensures there is consistency across marketplaces and helps you to deliver a great customer experience. 
  • Listing Quality Dashboard
Drill down to the Listing Quality Index (LQI) at SKU-level and brand level. IndusVA gives a scoring for your content on standard content KPIs across marketplaces. Based on that we calculate Listing Quality Index which helps you identify the gaps in the content and improve customer experience. With our highly customizable platform, you have the ability to assign specific weightage (points) to each retailer. This ensures your dashboard’s scorecard is highly specific and extremely accurate.

Price and Stock Monitoring

Historical Price Movement (current, list and subscription)

Track historical movement of pricing across SKUs, brands and categories. IndusVA allows you to view items for which the price is constant and pricing is variable for a period and retailer. 

Price Comparision Across all Retail Sites

Are you selling to all major retailer sites and would like to compare your price across retailers? With IndusVA, you can track price movement across retailers for a given SKU and brand. 

Measure Price Variations

IndusVA measure changes in price on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. You can set alerts to monitor price changes across key SKUs, categories, or brands to stay on top of market movements.

MAP Compliance

Customers are increasingly comparing costs from several merchants before making a purchase. Inconsistent pricing across retailers erodes brand equity and lowers the lifetime value of the consumer.

Protect your brand’s pricing consistency by enforcing your Minimum Advertised Price with time-stamped proof of infractions across each merchant.

Out of Stock Management

Out-of-stock (OOS) items can be extremely costly when selling online. OOS issues cause brands to leak up to 30% of their revenue due to lost page views and reduced search ranking presence. IndusVA tracks buy box availability for each SKU and creates an alert when there’s any change in the buy box status. You can filter out items with no buy box and take corrective action.

Improve Profitability and Efficiency with Stock Availability

IndusVA gathers stock availability information for you, see your stock availability movement in a single dashboard and never miss any sale. You can separately filter out items with less inventory and replenish them before hand so that you don’t miss out on sales and page ranking.

Tack 1P; 3P and FBA ASINs

Is your ASIN constantly taken over by third party sellers? This is a common problem that plagues online retailers. 3P sellers negatively affect your brand and you need to take control. IndusVA tracks buy box sellers and create alerts in the event of any change.

Track Multiples Sellers and their Prices

Multiple sellers for your product? No problem.
We collect data of all sellers who are selling your SKU and their pricing. You can filter out seller information and even find out the lowest price that your product is being sold at.

Keyword Rank Tracking and Brand’s Share of Search

Measure Keyword Rank History for Particular Keyword or Set of Keywords and for One or More Marketplaces.

IndusVA allows you to track keyword rankings for particular keyword or set of keywords. You can then compare it with same keywords for other marketplaces. There’s no limit to the selections you can compare and relation between brands and keywords you can draw. 

Check historical which keywords are working well for you and where are you losing the market share.

Share of Search

Are you currently measuring your brand’s share of voice?

Real-time reporting on your share of search strategy enables a constant stream of actionable insights.

 You can determine share of search across brands and across marketplaces. 

Dynamically modify ad spend to improve the organic share in search results.

Review and Ratings Analysis

Historical Movement of Reviews & Ratings

Show up where it matters: – Gather customer reviews on multiples e-commerce sites & multiples locations of industry-specific review sites. Track movement of count of reviews and ratings over period of time and changes across time. 

Reviews & Ratings Across Retailers

Do you want to co-related your reviews and ratings across retailers for the same product? IndusVA does that with ease. See the movement of ratings and reviews across retailers with ease. 

Sentiment Analysis of Reviews

Is it a competitor posting a fake review or is it a really dissatisfied customer? 

 We determine the real sentiment of the customer behind their reviews. We have also classified reviews as- positive, negative, neutral. By judging the sentiment of the review, we can find the whole loop and improve the customer experience.

Items with no Change in Review Count

Customers often shy away from buying products that do not have sufficient feedback. Our dashboard offers a simple view for items that have no change in reviews & ratings as compared to last period and items which is have 0 reviews.

Items with Decrease in Ratings

Are there any products where there is drop in ratings? With IndusVA, you get an alert for items where ratings decrease. You can address them immediately and make sure it doesn’t affect your customer experience.

Classification of Your Product Based on their Ratings

Which of your products have ratings between with 0-1; 1-2; 2-3; 3-4 and 4-5? We do just that. With IndusVA you can filter out products separately with different ratings and take corrective actions.